Fast implementation of individual requirements – low-code in the production environment

With their holistic understanding of digitalization, companies such as the AZO Group have long been implementing automation solutions at various levels. However, in order to be flexible enough to meet the needs of individual business units and not overburden existing IT capacities, support from the Simplifier low-code platform has now been used for the first time for application development.

2024-03-21T08:18:23+01:0021.03.2024|Categories: news|

MEGGLE optimises business processes with Simplifier

Die MEGGLE-Gruppe, Pionier in der Herstellung von Milcherzeugnissen mit über 135 Jahren Tradition, setzt konsequent auf Innovation und Qualität und ist nicht nur für die Kräuter-Butter auf der ganzen Welt bekannt. In einem zukunftsweisenden Schritt hat das international tätige Unternehmen die Simplifier-Plattform eingeführt, um seine Geschäftsprozesse zu beschleunigen und den Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung erfolgreich zu begegnen.

2024-02-22T08:43:52+01:0022.02.2024|Categories: news|

Excellently harmonized: POCO digitizes internal processes with Simplifier

As one of the largest furniture retailers, POCO attaches particular importance to ensuring that home furnishing enthusiasts find what they are looking for. In addition to the furniture stores and the products, the processes must also be convincing. To this end, POCO relies on Simplifier's low-code platform to drive forward POCO's digital transformation and meet the constantly growing requirements.

2024-01-31T07:49:25+01:0031.01.2024|Categories: news|

IFG Group increases efficiency with Simplifier: Broadband provider counts on digitalization for optimized processes

The importance of broadband expansion in the digital age is undisputed. It promotes digitization in private households, companies and public institutions, drives innovation and makes it possible to shape digital progress. To ensure that these projects run smoothly, the IFG Group (IFN, IFS, Leonet, BBV) has decided to introduce Simplifier in application development. This creates a solid foundation for interaction with stakeholders at different levels and in different departments.

2024-01-30T11:18:17+01:0007.12.2023|Categories: news|

Intershop and Simplifier: Optimal Integration through Low-Code

For online retail, a pleasant shopping experience is crucial. The customer experience and interaction with the store must be smooth. An important prerequisite for this is the seamless integration of the necessary systems. In order to optimally design this component, Intershop has decided to deploy Simplifier and uses the low-code platform as an integration hub.

2023-10-20T12:09:07+02:0018.10.2023|Categories: news|
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