Low-Code: The future key, Part I

How to configurate applications with minor coding skills It happens every day: New applications enter the market. They change our daily life – and our business processes. Since many companies do not have enough IT experts on staff who could develop those applications, low-code platforms are gaining in importance. These platforms simplify the creation of applications by using preassembled elements.  Smartphones are everywhere these days – and with them multiple applications. The opportunities they offer have spoiled us as users a great deal. Technologywise, we constantly keep craving for more. This, of course, holds true for customers as well as their requests. The demand for digital services has been soaring for the last couple of years. It will continue to do so in the future. Digitization of Business Processes Currently, the digitization of business processes is one of THE crucial tasks for enterprises of all industry segments. One keyword in this context: pace. Those who do not push their digitization forward fast enough, will not last in the competition for customers. For this reason, your company should make sure [...]

2019-06-14T09:34:04+02:0013.06.2019|Categories: news|Tags: , , , , , |

Industry Today: Four Tactics for Modernizing Manufacturing to Attract the Next Generation of Workers

In our guest article on the topic of "Not Your Fathers Factory Floor" in the Industry Today, Michael Cravens, VP of Sales & Operations, iTiZZZiMO inc. spoke openly about four tactics for modernizing manufacturing to attract the next generation of workers.

2018-03-07T08:56:59+01:0016.01.2018|Categories: Press Releases|Tags: , , , , |
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