Best practice concepts
Versatile use of experiential values
Our experience = your added value
Based on long-standing experience in the implementation of digitization projects, we offer a wide range of services. Our experts are happy to support you throughout the digital transformation of your company using their comprehensive knowledge from a variety of disciplines.
Our goal is to provide your company with the best possible guidance to achieve your goals. Every challenge is unique and requires an individual and targeted approach. That’s why we have developed well-founded concepts that we can adapt as needed to provide you with the most suitable service.
We at Simplifier believe that digitalization does not only mean replacing manual processes, but rather can also include the redesign of processes based on data-driven decisions. We are happy to support you with the implementation of low-code solutions to facilitate the implementation of your digital strategy.
Let us be your personal partner on your path to success and collaborate closely across the entire value chain.
Best practice concepts
Based on the customer’s situation, we apply a specific concept within the Road to Success. We support you with our expertise and manpower to achieve your defined goals together. Here are a few examples:
As part of the onboarding process, we place great emphasis on the “people-method-tools” triad. Ultimately, the best methodological concepts and tools are meaningless without the people involved. That’s why we offer individual “training on the job” to provide tailored training for your employees and thus enable your success.