Not enough IT experts on staff, but more and more need for applications? In this case you need a solution that is both time-saving and, above all, cost-effective. If you want to save money, a low-code platform is the right solution.
Martin Müller is the managing director of a medium-sized company. Business is basically running well.
Unfortunately, he has a problem: the IT department.
Strictly speaking, the department itself is not the problem. His employees are very competent. But he could use more of them. At the moment, the workload can hardly be shouldered. The overload often leads to stress and mistakes! A development that many companies are familiar with (german).
Since his company is still in start-up mode – and thus far from being financially secure – Mr. Müller cannot afford any mistakes. In the truest sense of the word.
However, as customer requirements continue to grow, the departments in his company constantly need new applications – and the IT staff need new colleagues.
This is no way to drive digitization forward in his company.
No developers – no good development
Mr. Müller’s company is far from being alone in this problem: According to a study by Bitkom, 82,000 jobs for IT experts in Germany were vacant in 2018.
Unfortunately, the situation has not yet improved in 2019.
Due to the virtually empty market, the situation is also difficult for Mr. Müller. The few remaining IT experts prefer to work independently as freelancers. Above all, however, they are demanding very high salaries (german).
However, as already mentioned, Mr. Müller does not have much room for manoeuvre in this regard. In addition, the creation of business apps is quite expensive. He is therefore looking for another solution with which he can support his IT department.
In the meantime, he has heard of low-code platforms on a number of occasions. Among other things, these promise massive cost savings in the development of applications.
Is that really the case?
Low-Code = low costs
In fact, companies can save through low-code platforms.
Why? By using low-code platforms, highly paid developers are no longer needed to develop and build smaller applications (german).
The benefits:
- Instead of having to program everything by hand, low-code platforms use ready-made elements. Predefined elements and the adaptation of their properties significantly accelerate app development. This saves time and money!
- After appropriate training – enabling – employees with an affinity for technology from the specialist departments can themselves participate in the development and creation of apps. The decisive advantage: Concrete problems of the specialist departments can be incorporated directly into the application creation. This means that a solution close to the use case can be created. This way, the boundaries between IT and business departments are continuously reduced which in turn leads to better cooperation.
- Due to their open interfaces, low-code platforms can be easily integrated into legacy systems (german). Thus high integration costs are avoided and already made investments are “saved”.
- Adaptations, which occur in most projects, can be made quickly and easily by the users themselves with low-code platforms (german).
The advantages mentioned above are just a few of the many advantages of low-code platforms. However, it is olainly obvious that you can make massive savings with them.
Companies wanting to survive in today’s competitive environment and to benefit from the advantages of digitization, but do not have sufficient IT infrastructure, are virtually predestined for low-code platforms.
Low-code platforms eliminate costly and time-consuming development processes. They promote the independence of the specialist departments, spare the chronically overloaded IT departments and promote the cooperation of all employees and the understanding for the other departments through their integrative effect.
Oh yes, how did Mr. Müller decide? Clearly for a low-code platform – from Simplifier AG.