The Dark Mode Rises!

Simplifier AG presents a hotfix that makes application creation with our low-code platform even more convenient - the Dark Mode! The benefits: You save on electricity costs and you protect your eyes. Usually, we at Simplifier AG see everything in a bright light. However, in one special case this is different: We proudly present the Dark Mode, which we have now released as a hotfix for our Release 4.5. In Dark mode, the background of screens is mostly black. The foreground colors remain clearly visible due to inversion. Low-code with Dark Mode Dark Mode itself has been a widely spread approach with developers (german) for quite some time now. In the field of low-code development, though, this is a first! Protect your bank account, the environment and your eyes The Dark Mode entails two major advantages for you as a user: 1.) Electricity savings Nowadays, OLED displays are used in most cases. The Dark Mode ensures a significantly longer battery life, as way fewer pixels need to be illuminated. This leads to massive savings [...]

2020-06-29T11:36:46+02:0023.08.2019|Categories: news|Tags: , |
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