Release 6.0 Preview – Part 2: Support the Low-Code Trends

Simplifier supports the trends in low-code development with Release 6.0: Citizen Development and the usage of low-code platforms in companies is increasing due to better functions for even easier access.

Simplifier 3.5: New Major Release

Every six months we provide our customers and partners with new Simplifier releases. With the new Simplifier release 3.5, users of our low-code platform can look forward to numerous new features and updates, such as our new 'client-side business objects'. You can find out in our blog post what's new in release 3.5. „Always deliver more than excepted.“ Larry Page Simplifier Release 3.5 Video You are welcome to watch our video for Release 3.5 in advance. It's still worth it to continue reading. Extended configuration options in the Process Designer In our Simplifier release 3.0 we already introduced our Process Designer 2.0. Now we have also extended the configuration options in the Process Designer: You can now switch the load display for access to connectors or business objects on and off. Mandatory parameters are checked in the mapping dialogs for connectors and business objects. There is a new toolbar including copy & paste function. When saving a user story, the configuration is validated. You can assign external links to user stories, which allows [...]

2018-12-11T14:53:47+01:0009.08.2018|Categories: news|Tags: , , |

Simplifier 3.0: New Major Release

In the last few months we have worked a lot to make the Simplifier even better, more comprehensive and more user-friendly. We have constantly responded to feedback from our customers and partners. With Release 3.0, users can look forward to numerous new features and updates. In this blog post, we would like to introduce you to the new features. „If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got.“ Henry Ford Process Designer 2.0 The new Process Designer simplifies and bundles activities. In addition, you can now work on several user stories in separate tabs. The best way to convince yourself is to watch our video: Play Video New Mobile Actions Configuring mobile actions with the Simplifier is very easy. In addition to the previous ones, we have added eight more mobile actions in Release 3.0, that you can now configure. An overview of all mobile actions and how to use them can be viewed here. Connector Wizard The new Connector Wizard [...]

2018-12-11T16:11:06+01:0011.06.2018|Categories: news|Tags: , , |

The 6 Stages of Software Development – Part 5

In our last article of the series "The 6 Stages of Software Development", we were talking about the testing phase after the app was developed. Now, after QA testing and the app is running, it is time for the 5th stage of software development in which the app is released and provided to the end users.

2018-12-17T13:03:20+01:0018.08.2017|Categories: news|Tags: , , , , , , |
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