Digital solutions for


Optimize processes through innovative technologies and increase efficiency with digitization

Simplifier für Automotive

Simplifier helps automotive suppliers digitize their processes

Simplifier helps automotive suppliers optimize processes and reduce costs

Shortening of development cycles

Improved networking of R&D departments with procurement, sales and marketing through individual applications with integrated process control

Supply Chain

Stronger integration of suppliers along the entire supply chain through cross-company apps with logistics and quality data


Management and optimization of manufacturing and maintenance processes based on machine data from MIS systems

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A selection of automotive companies that develop innovative solutions with Simplifier


Daten aus verschiedenen Quellen (MES & Maschinendaten, (I)IoT, ERP und andere Geschäftssysteme) immer parat. Simplifier verbindet Fertigungs- und Top-Floor-Systeme und eröffnet durch die Kombination dieser Daten ganz neue Möglichkeiten.


Verständlich aufbereitete und übersichtlich dargestellte Daten in Echtzeit. Ihre Mitarbeiter profitieren von einer anschaulichen Datenvisualisierung und einer hohen Zugänglichkeit. Dadurch verbessert sich die Wartung, Zuverlässigkeit und Qualität der Produktionskette.  


Gesicherter Echtzeit-Überblick über Ihre Wareneingänge und -ausgänge. Sichern Sie Ihre Supply Chain durch zuverlässige Einbindung Ihrer Lieferanten ab und beugen Sie Gefahren durch optimalen Übersichtsstatus zuverlässig vor. 

Profitieren Sie von Lösungen wie diesen

Preh Group digitalisiert Shopfloor mit Simplifier

Die Preh Group, ein international tätiger Automobilzulieferer im Bereich Elektromobilität, Car HMI und Commercial Vehicle HMI, setzt wichtige Shopfloor Lösungen mithilfe der Low-Code-Technologie von Simplifier um.

Eine der ersten umgesetzten Applikation war die Realisierung einer mobilen Inventur App. Diese bedient sich notwendigen Daten aus einem über Simplifier integrierten SAP-System und sorgt für einen reibungslosen Inventurprozess via Smartphone und Tablet. Die deutlich flexiblere Vorgehensweise bietet den Inventurmitarbeitern einen modernen, papierlosen Prozess mit einem hohen Zeiteinsparpotenzial bei jeder Inventur.

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Preh Group digitizes production floor with Simplifier

Preh Group, an international automotive supplier in the field of electromobility, Car HMI and Commercial Vehicle HMI, implements important shopfloor solutions using Simplifier’s low-code technology.

Among the first implemented applications was a mobile inventory app. This uses necessary data from an SAP system integrated via Simplifier and ensures a smooth inventory process via smartphone and tablet. The significantly more flexible approach offers a modern, paperless process for the employees with a high time-saving potential for each inventory.

“The fast and uncomplicated implementation of the initial required solution has reinforced our decision that we found the ideal digitization partner for us in Simplifier, who offers a suitable solution platform for the implementation of our digitization strategy. The evident increase in process efficiency has won over end users towards the mobile solution as well.”

Jürgen Orf, Preh Group

“Our first use case is an application for incoming goods, which is intended to digitize the process and enable tasks to be processed directly on-site and mobile. Simultaneously, we already have many demands and use cases for which applications are also conceivable. In this regard, it is beneficial that Simplifier has an extensive partner network and a large number of use case templates available from which we can obtain support in creating and implementing applications as needed.”

Frank Möller, Magnet-Schultz

Magnet-Schultz eliminates errors in the goods inspection

Magnet-Schultz GmbH & Co. KG develops and produces individual high-tech solutions for hydraulics, pneumatics, mechanics as well as for the commercial vehicle and automotive industry as a specialist for electromagnetic actuators, sensors and valve technology.

The company decided to work with Simplifier to create business applications in-house. Using the low-code platform, Magnet-Schultz implemented, among others, a mobile application for incoming goods inspection in a brief period of time. This application enables an accurate control of incoming goods directly upon arrival of the products. Paperless, digital and fully connected to the systems, the delivered items are matched with the orders.

Saertex optimizes shipment controls

Saertex GmbH specializes in the development and production of high-tech reinforcement textiles with glass, carbon, aramid and other high-performance fibers and also supplies the automotive industry. The company has decided to work closely with Simplifier in order to implement digitization projects quickly and create suitable solutions for its production.

A series of applications will successively digitize processes that are yet paper-based enabling direct data maintenance in SAP. The first step was the development of a mobile application for optimized shipment control. It ensures the frictionless execution of the loading process. The app, which is already in active use, is the first step to successively digitize Saertex production.

” The complexity of our use case is enormous, as it requires numerous functions to be coordinated with each other. Furthermore, seamless interaction with the linked systems is necessary. Nevertheless, with Simplifier’s low-code platform and enabling, we are able to put the application live after barely three months.”

Ingo Tegeder, SAERTEX GmbH & Co. KG

Looking for a solution that fits the automotive industry?

Get in touch with me. I am happy to help you.

Christopher Zabet

+49 (0)151 5885 1022

Ansprechpartner Andreas Roßmann

Looking for a solution that fits the automotive industry?

Andreas Roßmann

Get in touch with me. I am happy to help you.

Andreas Roßmann
Customer Success

Tel.: +49 (0)151 539 375 80

Why Simplifier?


The entire team, from the Backend Developer to the Customer Success Team and the Management Board, is there for you. Regular exchange is particularly important to us: digitally, by phone, and also directly on site with you. At every joint step, you always have a personal contact person.


Based on our 11 years of experience, we know when to successfully apply which approach. Whether you want to introduce Citizen Development, or need applications beyond the resources of your IT department, we have the right best-practice concept for you.


We work with you hand in hand and build on long-term partnerships. We understand your individual needs and challenges. We incorporate our customers‘ feedback strongly into our product roadmap. Our customers‘ success is our success.


Our future-proof low-code platform is the ideal choice for easy and affordable implementation of digital solutions. With Simplifier, you get the lowest TCO through the most reliable UI across all devices, the best integration, the highest reusability, and the lowest operational costs.